2021 September

Italian Wedding Soup

Italian Wedding Soup with Meatballs, Couscous & Kale

Szechuan Chicken

Szechuan Chicken Quinoa Bowls with Bell Pepper & Red Cabbage

빵과 닭다리

두달전에 맛있어서 산 바게트 빵이 칼로리가 너무 높아서 안 먹고 쟁여놓다가 수분이 다 증발해 말라비틀어져가고 있었는데 어제 정말 오랜만에 meal kit이 아닌 밥을 한 뒤 “저 빵을 밥통에 넣어두면 대충 수분 보충되겠다” 라는 생각이 들었다. 그래서 대충 머리속에서 큰 그림만 그린 뒤 (수분 보충한 빵+남은 닭고기는 팬에서 그을린 뒤+에어프라이에서 이것저것 섞어서 구워서+샌드위치 만들어먹으면 되겠지) 닭을 […]

Chicken Shawarma Rice

Plate came out pretty bland.. as has been the pattern with these improv stuff. I’m gonna need something cold or hard to mix up the flavors (eg vinegar-soaked radishes or onions or nuts). Next time gotta add some salt & pepper on the rice as well. Chicken Thighs, Shawarma Long Grain Rice, Carrots, Baby Nappa, […]

Dish drying rack

I’ve had this drying rack which I was using in the previous apt as well (one got a bit moldy-ish? and got the same model again) The problem is the drying rack is that it needs to be cleaned every once in a while, and I can clean the mat when I notice it’s too […]

Cod and Potatoes

Pan-Seared Cod with Pickled Onion & Arugula Salad