Hurricane Hilary

  • Transform OC social
  • Waiting for medical clinial trial appointment, and in the meantime I found better seats in this “UCLA Clinic” lounge so I sat there. Turned out that it was an Ob/Gyn clinic.
  • Chinatown & Little Tokyo night. There was a mysterious circle thing in the ground of the Chinatown Station with 62 chinese characters with virtues (“community”, “peace”, “Sovereignty”, “harmonize”, etc, that we couldn’t figure out. If it’s the years (十二支), it’s supposed to be 60..
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  • Christine at Harmony Toluca Lake
  • Hurricane Hilary. There’s been an interesting storm of opinions on reddit with someone claiming it had a significant chance of becoming a major storm due to global warming, followed by a rebuttal. The back and forth arguments got out of hand, and someone else did a recap of how the first claim was fearmongering.
  • DuoLingo Diamond


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