Shrimp Soup
헬로프레시에서 가끔씩 엉뚱하게 홍보라면서 식재료를 끼워서 보내주는데 그 중 하나 받은게 소고기 국물이다. 유기농이라는데 뭔지는 모르겠고.. 하나는(닭고기 국물) 너무 오래 갖고 있다가 기한이 지나서 버렸고 이번에 얘를 가지고 뭔가 해보자 싶어서 만들었는데 영 맛이 없다. 냉장고 안에 너무 오랫동안 방치되었던 새우를 꺼냈고 최근에 맛들인 호박을 굽고 채소를 대충 넣었는데 맛은.. 그냥 그렇다 따뜻한 걸 마신게 […]
i was just gonna stir fry some carrots and squash to eat with rice tomorrowbut i threw curry powder on topa lot of curry powderthen I thought “i wish i could make curry but i dont’ have coconut milk”so put some starbucks pumpkin spice condensed milk on topand then added some milk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huh not […]
Plate came out pretty bland.. as has been the pattern with these improv stuff. I’m gonna need something cold or hard to mix up the flavors (eg vinegar-soaked radishes or onions or nuts). Next time gotta add some salt & pepper on the rice as well. Chicken Thighs, Shawarma Long Grain Rice, Carrots, Baby Nappa, […]
This impromptu sandwich tasted very good but is so many calories despite the relatively small size (supposedly about 360 calories per piece for a total of 720) This was gonna be just a small mid-afternoon snack but I ended up air frying both pieces instead of just eating one because the process of leaving one […]