Category: Cooked

  • Egg Coffee

    Egg Coffee

    an online friend told me about vietnamese egg coffee, which i didn’t read in detail but it involves dropping egg in hot coffee.. now i don’t have hot coffee, i only have a keurig machine but tried it nonetheless.

    idk it didn’t taste too different. in fact, because egg was there, i reduced the milk and as a result it just tasted more bitter (the natural coffee taste). also the egg didn’t quite get mixed and i just gulped a thick chunk of egg at the end that was sitting at the bottom

  • Shrimp Soup

    Shrimp Soup

    헬로프레시에서 가끔씩 엉뚱하게 홍보라면서 식재료를 끼워서 보내주는데 그 중 하나 받은게 소고기 국물이다. 유기농이라는데 뭔지는 모르겠고.. 하나는(닭고기 국물) 너무 오래 갖고 있다가 기한이 지나서 버렸고 이번에 얘를 가지고 뭔가 해보자 싶어서 만들었는데 영 맛이 없다.

    냉장고 안에 너무 오랫동안 방치되었던 새우를 꺼냈고 최근에 맛들인 호박을 굽고 채소를 대충 넣었는데 맛은.. 그냥 그렇다 따뜻한 걸 마신게 유일한 포인트

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  • Curry Chicken

    Curry Chicken

    i was just gonna stir fry some carrots and squash to eat with rice tomorrow
    but i threw curry powder on top
    a lot of curry powder
    then I thought “i wish i could make curry but i dont’ have coconut milk”
    so put some starbucks pumpkin spice condensed milk on top
    and then added some milk


    huh not that bad actually.. i like it
    60% curry flavor everywhere
    35% chicken thighs

    ah cool, so apparently the coconut milk is used because it’s thicker, so some people use creamers for curries after all