Category: People

  • 백과사전


    국민학교 1학년 애가 집에 혼자 와서 백과사전을 보기 시작하더니 정신이 빠져서 계정을 만들고 의자도 없이 서서 보고 있더라고 합니다

    어릴때부터 위키러의 본능이..

  • perm


    I walked into a hair salon and just went “so can I do anything fun with my hair? I don’t know anything about hairs. Only did military cut all my life”

    She was like “wtf is this guy on about” and after some hesitation she recommended getting a perm

    This is the smell of grandma with the plastic bag on her head!

  • Pupusa y antojito

    Pupusa y antojito

    the salvadoran restaurant from which I picked up lunch today has this fancy-creepy-spooky clock that plays this whole tune every hour

    Pupusa de calabaza con queso y antojitos de yuca con chicharrón

    i’m disappointed in their antojitos, i wanted some exciting food i don’t normally eat, all i got was what the british eat during the great famine. The pupusas were good. Should have just gotten two pupusas like a normal person instead of reaching so far south in the menu ballot.