Category: Bought

  • Pupusa y antojito

    Pupusa y antojito

    the salvadoran restaurant from which I picked up lunch today has this fancy-creepy-spooky clock that plays this whole tune every hour

    Pupusa de calabaza con queso y antojitos de yuca con chicharrón

    i’m disappointed in their antojitos, i wanted some exciting food i don’t normally eat, all i got was what the british eat during the great famine. The pupusas were good. Should have just gotten two pupusas like a normal person instead of reaching so far south in the menu ballot.

  • Shrimp Tacos

    Shrimp Tacos

    Chesapeake Shrimp Tacos with Spicy Tartar Sauce and Sweet Onion Slaw

  • Steak and Broccoli

    Steak and Broccoli

    Chicken Sirloin Steak and Sun-Dried Tomato Crema with Bacon and Cheddar Broccoli

    맨날 닭가슴살에 채소 대충 얹어서 주는 이 회사의 식단에 질려서 고기만 소고기로 바꿔봤는데 고기가 질기고 푸석푸석하고 매우 좋지 않다..

  • Empanadas


    Empanada colombiana de carne asada y empanada de kimchi rice

  • Pork Belly Loaded Arepas

    Pork Belly Loaded Arepas

    I had like no idea how to eat this. The arepa was impossible to hold up it was overflowing with topping. This is pretty cheap ($9) for the location (a unique architecture open-air restaurant) and how much food it is I think!