Yongho Kim

Le Goût Pastry

feedback on computer parts boxes at the office biking to Kaiser chocolates at Le Goût Pastry Cole Haan Men’s Sneakers Poncho’s Tlayudas

Chorizo Meatballs

Blue Apron: Pork Chorizo Meatballs & Pepper Rice with Chipotle-Peanut Sauce Blue Apron: Ramen & Spicy Peanut Stir-Fry with Mushrooms, Carrots & Bok Choy

Laurence’s birthday

Bacari Silverlake

Chili Oil Toast

Butter+Garlic+Chili Oil I like how it tastes

Deviled Chicken

Deviled Chicken & Honey-Chipotle Sauce with Cilantro Rice & Tomatoes

Scrambled Egg Toast

well although the scrambled egg came out way more cooked than initially aimed for